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Figma to Code in 1 Click

Convert Web Designs into Responsive, Readable, and Pixel Perfect Code


For Frontend Developers

Accelerate Your Figma to Code Workflow

The best Figma-to-code plugin generating the finest code quality

  • Pixel Perfect

    Almost zero design leakage. Pixel perfect outputs with >90% accuracy

  • Responsive

    Generate responsive outputs by selecting multiple breakpoints for the same design

  • Lightning Fast

    Quick and easy code generation. Conversion only takes seconds.

  • Tailwind-First

    Support for custom Tailwind config and Tailwind defaults approximation

  • Semantic Tagging

    Advanced detection and generation of complex semantic components

  • Componentization

    Figma components are generated as React components

Affordable Pricing

Start your 14-day free trial

Choose the ideal plan for your business requirements


Free 14 days

Ideal for startups and small businesses

  • Unlimited Conversions
  • React, Vue, Svelte, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, TS, JS
  • Tailwind config import
  • Tailwind defaults approx.
  • Advanced Semantic Tagging
  • Auto Component Detection
  • Multi Breakpoint Input
  • Auto Renaming Classes & Components



Perfect for growing businesses

  • Everything in Pro
  • Unlimited team members
  • Early access to closed features
  • Priority customer support


Comprehensive solutions for enterprises

  • Everything in Lifetime
  • Unlimited team members
  • Additional feature requests
  • Custom framework support
  • 3rd party integration
  • On-premise support
  • Dedicated account manager

Conversion API

Comprehensive solutions for enterprises

  • Everything in Lifetime
  • Generate up to 100k elements
  • $0.01 / additional element

Accelerate your design to code process

51.7k teams are using FireJet. What are you waiting for?

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